Join the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering"

From 1st July, 2020 (during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic), the "BK To Golden Age" groups began to be created to serve those who were forced to stay at home because of the lockdowns. From 13th July, 2020 (also during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic), the WhatsApp groups named "ShivBaba's Golden Group" began to be created as an alternative to the "BK To Golden Age" groups. BK murlis, explanations on the murlis, etc were posted daily in these groups for BK sustenance, from the time the groups were created.

Then, since WhatsApp began to allow many groups to be brought into one community, the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering" was created on 13th November, 2022 to bring all the "ShivBaba's Golden Group" and "BK To Golden Age" groups into one gathering. One can have better experiences when one is in a bigger gathering. Further, it will also make service easier for the admins of the groups; they will be able to do more service in less time.

Since the WhatsApp groups "BK To Golden Age" and "ShivBaba's Golden Group" are all within the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering", posts began to be posted in the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering" from 10th January 2023. Murlis, explanations on the murlis, etc are posted daily in the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering". BK Pari also began to share her writings, YouTube meditation commentary links etc in the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering". BK Pari's explanations, based on the murlis, are posted in English and Hindi.

BK Pari was meditating since the 1970s and has been a BK since 1994; thus, she has had a lot of wonderful subtle experiences and a great understanding on the BK knowledge.

Join the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering" so as to:

1. enjoy spiritual benefits for spiritual effort making purposes.

2. become part of the Gathering of Shankar which transforms the world into the Golden Age world.

3. walk into the Golden Aged world.

Click on the following to join the WhatsApp Community "ShivBaba’s Gathering":