Ancient History and the BK Cycle of Time
Written by BK Pari

More articles on ancient history can be found at:

1. Ancient History (of Bharat, Dravida, Malaya, Mount Meru, etc.) and Time

2. Historical Aspects of Coronavirus Infection

3. Evolution and Ancient History

4. BK Cycle and 8.4 million species

5. BK Cycle and 84 Births

NB: The following article was originally posted on 13th May, 2021. BK Pari constantly updates what she has written below. More information were added on 23-5-21

The BK Cycle of Time consists of the Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age , Iron Age and then, finally, the Confluence Age which overlaps the end of the Iron Age and the beginning of the next Golden Age. This Cycle keeps repeating endlessly.

At the end of each Cycle, all human souls go back to the Soul World which is the Home of God and all human souls. Then, from the Soul World, we (the human souls) come back into the Corporeal World, one by one, so as to play our roles on earth. Mankind lives in the next new Cycle when the deity souls start taking births from the beginning of the Golden Age. The deity souls are human souls who use bodies to live in all five ages: Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age, Iron Age and the Confluence Age.

The deity souls can take a maximum of 84 births throughout the whole Cycle of 5000 years. The BK Cycle is based on the calculation of how many years we live during these 84 lives, in the Corporeal World, before we go back to the Soul World again, at the end of the Cycle. The BK Cycle is calculated in this way because:

1. it relates what happens to the human souls in a cyclic manner.

2. the physical world exists for human souls to enjoy happiness while living their lives on earth.

The world that exists during the Golden and Silver Ages is a pure, divine, perfect world. This divine world was provided in a higher dimension, within the Corporeal World, because lighter, pure, divine energies were providing the world for us. The world that exists during the Copper Age and Iron Age is an impure, imperfect, ordinary world. This ordinary world exists in a lower dimension because it is provided by denser energies. At the end of the Silver Age, a new ordinary universe (along with an ordinary earth) got created in a very low dimension, within the Corporeal World, for the people to live in during the second half cycle. During the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages, the people were dropping into lower and lower dimensions until ‘they began to live on the ordinary earth from the beginning of the Copper Age’. The higher, perfect world was slowly transforming into the ordinary state as it was dropping into lower dimensions in order to merge into the world that was provided on the ordinary earth. When it merged into the ordinary world, it looked like the ordinary world that was on the ordinary earth.

During the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages, time was flowing very slowly in the higher dimension/world where the people were living while Time was flowing very quickly in the ordinary world where the people were not living. This was because Time flowed at different rates, in the different dimensions. It flowed more slowly in the higher dimensions and it flowed more quickly in the lower dimensions; it flowed very, very quickly on the ordinary earth. Therefore, during the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages, billions of years had flowed by on the ordinary earth, from the end of the Silver Age to the beginning of the Copper Age. Though the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages seem to have existed for billions of years in the lower ordinary world, it would have only lasted for about 100 to 200 years for the human beings who were walking out of the Silver Aged world. Looking at it from the flow of time which we experienced in the higher Silver Aged world, it is as if not much time had passed during that time. However, since Time flowed very quickly on the lower ordinary earth, evidences on the ordinary earth seem to point to billions and millions of years having passed by on the ordinary earth.

Time should actually be calculated as having existed for only around 100 to 200 years, during the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages, because it only involved a single lifetime which was during our final birth in the Silver Age. The BK Cycle reflects Time in this way because it relates Time based on our lives in the Corporeal World. The billions of years that had passed on the ordinary earth is not relevant since we were not living on the ordinary earth until Mankind completely dropped to live on the ordinary earth (which was actually around 2500 years ago). When calculating, based on our lives on the ordinary earth, it can be said that we had lived for about 2500 years from the beginning of the Copper Age.

During the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages, occasionally, one or more people may have dropped into the lower worlds and lived there, i.e. they may have lived in a world where Time flowed more quickly. Further, genetically modified animals (which were created by the scientists who lived on the higher Silver Aged world) were living on the ordinary earth before Mankind dropped to live on the ordinary earth. However, all these are not significant when we calculate Time for the Cycle of Time because Time should be calculated based on where most of the human beings were living, and most of the people were living in the higher Silver Aged world until the beginning of the Copper Age.

Whatever evidences we see, which reflect that the ordinary earth existed before Mankind began to live on the ordinary earth, were part of the ‘time on the ordinary earth’ when people were not living on the ordinary earth, i.e. they are evidences of how it was on the ordinary earth from the time it was created in the lower dimension until the time Mankind had actually begun living on the ordinary earth. This is why there are no evidences of Mankind living on earth (in civilisations) until just before the Copper Age when many people were dropping into dimensions that were very close to the ordinary earth. On the ordinary earth, it was a few thousand years before Christ when these people, who had dropped, were living in dimensions that were close to the ordinary earth. In the higher world (that was close to the ordinary earth), where these people were living in, it was just before 500 BC. Whichever dimension people were living in, everything was getting pulled into the same earth during destructive events. Since these people were so close to the ordinary world and they lived during a time that was so close to the Copper Age:

1. their world was just like the Copper Aged world.

2. evidences of the civilisations, which were created for them, can be seen even now.

Just before the Copper Age began, many had fallen into a lower dimension that was close to the ordinary earth. For convenience, I shall refer to this world as Bhuloka, just to distinguish it from the higher Silver Aged world and the lower ordinary world that was on the ordinary earth. This Bhuloka was between the higher Silver Aged world and the lower ordinary world. Since the people who dropped into Bhuloka remained there for some time, before they were brought back into a higher dimension, civilisations were created for them in Bhuloka. It was like they had already fallen into the ordinary world, even though they were still living in a higher dimension that was very close to the ordinary earth. Time actually flowed very slowly on Bhuloka because they were supposed to be living in the higher Silver Aged world where all the more powerful souls were living. That higher Silver Aged world was also looking almost like the ordinary world since it was transforming into the ordinary state. In the present Kaliyug world, it is almost impossible to see the evidences of the higher world that looked like the perfect world of the second half cycle because evidences of that earlier beautiful world had got buried deeper down during the earlier destructive events. Only those that got buried just before the Copper Age can be seen on the ordinary earth because these dimensions were:

1. so close to the ordinary earth, and

2. so close to the Copper Age.

During the time just before the Copper Age, all the evidences that were getting buried into the earth, during destructive events, were transforming into the state as it was on the ordinary earth and becoming part of the ordinary earth. Thus, evidences will make it seem like they existed on the ordinary earth at the Time as it was on the ordinary earth. It is like this because they have transformed to become part of the ordinary world that existed on the ordinary earth.

There is only one earth which can be provided in different dimensions. Those who are used to seeing the earth as a dense material planet will find this a little more difficult to understand. It might be a little easier to understand if one looked at it from the point of view that:

1. there is a quantum and material aspect to everything in the physical world. Everything that is material is connected through the quantum aspect.

2. Quantum Mechanics provides for the existence of more than one dimension within the Corporeal World. The quantum dimensions are all part of the Corporeal World.

Quantum Mechanics is a subject which is very difficult to understand. If the confusing science and maths of Quantum Mechanics was included into the BK knowledge, it would make it difficult for the spiritual efforts makers to easily establish their link to God because:

1. when one tries to understand something that is so difficult to understand, one can become confused and it is not easy to attain a high spiritual stage when one is in a confused state.

2. one needs to use the left hemisphere of the brain so as to understand Quantum Mechanics. It should be noted that we, generally, use the right hemisphere of the brain while having spiritual experiences. A BK, who has become spiritually powerful, will be able to use the left hemisphere of the brain to understand Quantum Mechanics, while he/she is in a spiritually high stage. However, a beginner will find it difficult to attain and maintain a high stage when he/she is using the left hemisphere of the brain extensively. In order to easily attain a high stage, one should try not to use the left hemisphere of the brain so much.

Further, God is not here to teach us Quantum Mechanics, time dilation (Time flowing at different rates), etc. These should not be taken into account when we calculate Time based on the number of years we live on earth because:

1. we are only living in one dimension at a specific point in Time.

2. these are not ‘spiritual knowledge’ that helps one to easily attain a high spiritual stage.

For the above reasons and for the reason that the knowledge must be kept simple in the BK murlis, God does not explain about how time flows at different speeds in the different dimensions, etc.

Though time flows at different rates in the different dimensions, what is important is the total number of years which we live during each of our lives in a Cycle. If we calculate the number of years we live in the Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age and Iron Age, we would get a total of 5000 years. As per the BK knowledge relating to this Cycle, we take 8 births in the Golden Age and each of these lives is lived for about 150 years. We should be living for about 1250 years in the Golden Age if we take it that the Golden Age starts from the time Krishna (the first Golden Aged child) is born. Actually, the true Golden Age only begins later when Krishna marries and becomes Narayan.

During the Silver Age, we take 12 births. Each of these lives is lived for about 100 to 125 years. The Silver Age lasts for 1250 years. Thus, there is a total of 2500 years in the first half cycle, i.e. when we were living as deities during the Golden and Silver Ages.

After the Silver Age, there is the Copper Age where souls are no longer in the perfect divine state. The souls take 21 births during the Copper Age. Each of these lives is generally lived for about 70 to 80 years since people can sometimes die earlier for various reasons. The Copper Age lasts for 1250 years.

After the Copper Age, there is the Iron Age (Kaliyuga) where we take 42 births. We generally live each of these lives for a duration of about 35 to 50 years. However, we can sometimes live longer because:

1. we can die earlier, in some births, due to diseases, accidents and other unforeseen circumstances. Sometimes, we die soon after being born or when we are very young.

2. we can roam around as a ghost before taking another birth.

3. we have taken good care of our bodies.

During the Iron Age, the decaying process can start when we are in our 30s unless we were taking good care of the body. During the Copper Age, the decaying process begins when we are about 70 to 80 years old. During the Copper and Iron Ages, we can continue living in the body after the body begins decaying because we suffer for all the wrongs which we have done. Since the decaying process begins earlier during the Iron Age, we suffer more and longer through the decaying body.  In the Golden and Silver Ages, we will always leave the body before the body begins to decay because we cannot suffer. In the Golden Age, the decaying process only begins after we have reached 150 years. In the Silver Age, the decaying process only starts after we have reached 125 years old.

Around the end of Kaliyug, God descends into the Corporeal World, from the Soul World, so as to establish the Confluence Age that overlaps the ending phase of Kaliyuga and the beginning phase of the Golden Age. We take one spiritual birth during the Confluence Age. During this birth we help God with transforming the Kaliyug world into the Golden Aged world. The BK Cycles reflects all the years which we live from the beginning of the Golden Age until the end of the Confluence Age.

Baba has also kept the knowledge very simple in the murlis through giving us very simple explanations on the Cycle of Time. The knowledge which we churn on has to be simple so that we can easily attain the soul-conscious stage. If you try to understand the evidences that exist on the ordinary earth, you will get confused and so you will find it very difficult to attain a high stage. A soul, who was meant to become spiritually powerful, will not be concerned about the evidences which are found in respect of the ordinary earth. He will be concerned to just contemplate on the knowledge that has been given by God on the 5000 year cycle.

I am actually in the process of writing a book (on ancient history) to give more explanations on all the above. It takes time to get it all written. So have patience.